Every so often there arrives in the news someone who both proves that celebrities are made, not born, and destroys my faith in humanity. All in the same fell swoop. It should be obvious that I'm talking about 'Corey, the party dude' here, since that's what the title says.
I first read about the party, and my reaction was 'ok, what a retard...' Then articles and articles flooded in, and my reaction changed. 'I want this turd off my news!' I was mildly relieved when a group of Romanians beat the crap out of him. In fact, I was nearly ecstatic when I found out that these Romanians were friends of friends of mine. I'm still waiting on an autograph.
The fact is, this Corey wanker has been getting everything he wants, and nothing he deserves. Until he got beat up, but that changed nothing. I recently heard he is now on Big Brother. Why won't someone tell him where he can shove those godawful sun glasses!?! Instead, we treat him like a hero. I was absolutely disgusted when a friend of mine told me that a friend of hers idolizes Corey. Even dresses like him.
That is not cool. Purely because Corey is not cool. Corey is so not cool, ok, he's an arrogant, stuck up sun-of-a... Witch. What the hell was his mother smoking while she was pregnant!?! It must have been pretty bloody strong for her daughter... Oh, son, sorry, to turn out like that. If I was her... Corey's, that is, dad, I'd have been the crap out of her.. Uh, him... By now.
Sorry to destroy your previous perception of the situation, but the lesson to be learned from Cory is not 'act like a total piece of flea-ridden, dog-trodden crap and you will become rich and famous.' The lesson is 'just... do the right thing, and you won't look like such an arrogant, up-yourself, pathetic-looking, brain dead excuse for a human being.'
If you want to be cool, be COOL! Don't throw a massive, irresponsible, party behind your parents back, and get caught on the news betraying a sickeningly pitiful fashion sense. Coz... That's not cool, ok, it just isn't.
My problem with Corey is that people will look to him and think it's cool to be a retarded, stupid looking, pansy. That's just not true.
hahahaha. dude you crack me up.
yeh...i know some of the guys you were talking about. it wasn't cool for them to bash him up etheir. i was pretty shocked.
if poeple would just ignore him, he wouldn't be this much of a try hard.
this kid has always gotten in trouble, and i've noticed that if poeple would just ignore him, he wouldn't be like this. idiot, noob he has become. the end
peace bra*
This is true. Society is always going to esteem idiocy however. There isn't a lot we can do.
Doesn't destroy MY belief in humanity. How good can he be if he lives in Narre Warren. Don't waste your spittle on him friend, there are bigger fish to fry, besides, his appearance on Big Brother will probably do more to destroy his career than anything. What HE did wasnt even that bad, just what all his myspace 'friends' did ;)
The Anonymouse Voice of Rezon
Yes, I definately agree with this.
I can see someone watching the news and going, "Hey, I could do better than him!" and then have something happen that's a whole lot worse.
He shouldn't get the publicity, because, with some of the teenagers these days.... it goes to their head. And I have a feeling this little "party-goer" will turn into something a whole lot worse.
The media grabs onto stories like this, and that's my argument towards the media.
In reality, they make it a whole lot worse. And unless the world gets it's act together, it's gonna become a whole lot worse.
^ Like God said, the world is going to go downhill.... and the time has started now.
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